Fold your own paper lotus blossom!
In Buddhism, the lotus is considered a symbol of purity.
Unlike the water lily, which looks very similar, the lotus does not rest on the water’s surface. Its stem and leaves rise high above a pond’s muddy water. The large blossoms may be pure white, orange, violet, or pale pink. Any dirt just rolls off them. The lotus is also one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism.
Folding paper into three-dimensional objects – better known as “origami” (Jap. oru = fold, kami = paper) – has ranked as an art form in Japan since the 14th century. In origami, speed is not important, nor does it matter who creates the most beautiful object.
The aim is to become immersed in the creative process and to complete the task with precision. Origami helps a person to develop mindfulness, train one’s fine motor skills, and learn to recognize geometric relationships.